
We encourage people to demand an in-depth study of the adoption system in all Nordic contries. Share the message, use the hashtags, write to your local politician and demand change.

#InvestigateAdoptionNow #SameSystemSameFraud #transnationaladopteesunited #tau

About TAU

Transnational Adoptees United/TAU is a collective of organisations sharing a critical perspective on transnational adoption.

  1. We call upon all Nordic countries, who build on the same adoption model to stop the colonial practice of transnational adoptions.
  2. We call for transparency and full disclosure of falsifications and loss of human rights within transnational adoption.
  3. We call for the original families rights to be protected and governments to take responsibility for adoptees forced to live without any knowledge of their origin.

 Our Goals

  1. An in-depth independent investigation of transnational adoption in each of the Scandinavian countries with precise placement of responsibility.
  2. An official apology to all transnational adoptees from the prime minister in each Scandinavian country for failing their responsibility to secure transnational adoption. 
  3. Reconciliation in the forms of reparations to all transnational adoptees for loss of origin, culture and language.
  4. A paradigm shift in the public perception of transnational adoption.

Memorandum of Understanding¹ between TAU and all new member organisations:

Behaviour towards each other:

  1. We embrace development of critical thoughts and the effort to resolve conflict in a respectful manner
  2. We refrain from negative postings or defamatory comments on social media about organisations and individual persons 
  3. We solve critical situations by direct contact in a timely fashion and if needed through a professional / independent mediator
  4. We both announce our cooperation / partnership 

General Standards: 

  1. We share knowledge and information about structural and organisational development
  2. We back member organisations in public debates with knowledge and advice
  3. We primarily represent Transnational Adoptees
  4. We do not participate in networks and collaborations that can be contradictory to TAUs goals and mission
  5. We are not funded nor collaborate with pro-adoptions organisations nationally or Internationally 

Position on Intercountry Adoption for any joining organisations:

  • We don’t support intercountry adoptions 
  • We advocate for the correct implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. 
  • We stick to the Subsidiarity principle in line with the UNCRC.
  • We don’t distinguish between “illegal / illicit” and prima facie legal adoptions
  • We advocate for compensation for the loss of original identities and culture and for a complete and professional Post Adoption Service that include birth search, original language, culture classes and travels, translation of documents aso.

General Vision 

  1. An in-depth independent investigation of transnational adoption in each of the Scandinavian countries with precise placement of responsibility.
  2. An official apology to all transnational adoptees from the prime minister in each Scandinavian country for failing their responsibility to secure transnational adoption. 
  3. Reconciliation in the forms of reparations to all transnational adoptees for loss of origin, culture and language.
  4. A paradigm shift in the public perception of transnational adoption.



¹An MOU is an expression of agreement to proceed. It indicates that the parties have reached an understanding and are moving forward. Although it is not legally binding, it is a serious declaration that a contract is imminent.